Producer, exporter of premium agricultural products and importer of electronic products
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We have been exporting agricultural products for over 5 years, with customers throughout Middle East, Gulf Countries, Europe, North Africa, Latin America and USA. We are qualified to supply a wide range of Fresh and processed agricultural products that includes Tea and Coffee, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Fish and Seafood, Herbs and Spices, Dairy Products, Meat and Poultry ,Leather and Hides, as well as live livestock trade.
Novom Holdings Limited is committed to satisfy the needs of international business through inclusive market information, competitive prices, total quality control, reliability and on-time delivery. We stand proud in having long lasting, trusted relationships with dedicated partners and distributors to ensure premium products are made available to consumers at affordable
By adapting the latest technology, we export and supply products that rightfully fill the gaps in the market that were not previously met. We are passionate about bringing to consumers new, different, and distinct products that will elevate their taste, choice, and lifestyle with premium products that enhance daily living.
To deliver reliable, quality and certified organic Agricultural products to the export market through own production and empowering farmers to increase production.
To be the leading producer and supplier of choice for quality organic Kenyan fresh Agricultural products for the export market.
To deliver reliable, quality and certified organic Agricultural products to the export market through own production and empowering farmers to increase production.
To be the leading producer and supplier of choice for quality organic Kenyan fresh Agricultural products for the export market.
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Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elem cur sus eleifend, elit. Aenea ifendn na. Aliq uam er at volutpat.
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Nullam porttitorer, condimentum pharetra, tellus sapien malesuad quampulefficitur a justo.
Nullam porttitorer, condimentum pharetra, tellus sapien malesuad quampulefficitur a justo.
Nullam porttitorer, condimentum pharetra, tellus sapien malesuad quampulefficitur a justo.
“They were fantastic through the entire purchase process. Had lots of ask and they were patient. When my system arrived”
“From its medieval origins to the digital era, learn everything there is to know about the ubiquitous lorem ipsum dummy.”
“Chewck were fantastic through the entire purchase process. Had lots of ask and they were patient. When my system Jonge”